Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Smart virgins

Does Bush have another Uganda? This seems like another one of his programs - zero cultural research, mixed results, issue never really addressed. Do I see "abstinence only" doctrine here again? I believe so...and guess what. It won't work here either.

MP: Free University for Virgins
A Ugandan member of parliament has pledged to reward girls for their chastity by paying their university fees if they are virgins when they leave school, a local newspaper said on Wednesday.

Sick, isn't it?

Time for cultural immersion.

There are several interesting and inaccurate urban legends in Africa surrounding the AIDS epidemic. One includes the notion that if a man infected with the HIV virus has intercourse with a virgin, he will rid himself of the disease. This myth has been at the center of countless recent cases involving sexual abuse and child rape.

And polygamy. Having multiple partners brings respect to both the man and woman and their families involved in a relationship. How could you reprimand a young girl from seizing the opportunity to be "protected" and "provided for?"

Why do we victimize the victim again and again throughout her lifetime? Why don't we help educate her from day one in hopes that she would make it to age 18 without a life-threatening disease? Or in hopes that she even make it to age 18.

This is a valiant effort but clearly constructed by the upper echelon (of those who can afford to be in the Ugandan parliament) for the upper echelon of young women whose parents have both the money and manpower to protect their girls from "African culture." Since when was a culture other than ours bad? Why not educate within the system? Why not offer bread, condoms, vaccinations, clean drinking water...any sort of free and accessible education?

Let's talk about starvation, ignorance and the AIDS epidimic. Why not address the issues of the people of Uganda instead of the American dream for once?

(in the words of Merriam-Webster's word of the day, this whole situation is just smarmy)


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